Goats originally came to Australia with the First Fleet in 1788. Current feral goat populations are descended from these and subsequent animals that were introduced for a variety of reasons. During the 19th Century, goats were set free on islands and on the mainland by mariners to ensure emergency supplies of food.
A few years ago there were about 2.6 million feral goats in Australia but this number has fluctuated widely under the influence of extended dry periods and the effectiveness of management programs.
In Australia, feral goats have been estimated to cause losses to pastoralism of $25 million per year.
Feral goats also adversely affect conservation values and biological diversity by damaging the vegetation and competing with native fauna. Their damage is most obvious and most severe on small islands.
Australia is the largest exporter of goat meat and live goats in the world exporting:
•19,000 tonnes of meat per annum to approximately 25 countries
•50,000 live goats to 15 countries
Major markets have traditionally been the US and Taiwan for meat and Malaysia for live export.
Goat is very low in fat, which is healthy but it also means that it can dry out in the cooking process. So when you are roasting cook on low heat or even use an oven bag.
Source Feral.org.au,Wiki.
Roasted Goat
Shoulder or leg of Goat
1 tspn vegimite or Bonox
Srig of rosemary
1 tbspn olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
1 Lemon or lime rind
Cut small insertions into the leg of goat with the tip of a sharp knife. Into these holes place slivers of garlic. Next rub the surface of the meat with the vegimite. Don't make it too thick. Sprinkle lightly with pepper and Lemon or lime rind
and roughly chopped rosemary.
Pre-heat roasting dish and place tbspn of oil in bottom of pan. Next place the goat into oven and cook on low to moderate oven approx 150 c for 4 hours.
Gourmet Goat
by Sue Gauge
1 leg of Goat 1/3 cup cider
1/2 cup dried apricots tbspn olive oil
herbs and spices of own choice
salt and pepper to taste.
Wash and dry the meat. Prepare a piece of alfoil big enough to wrap the joint in. Place meat on alfoil and cover with a little oil, herbs and spices to your own taste (Sue uses:- basil, rosemary, black pepper and a little tabasco)
Place a few dried apricots on top of and under the meat and drizzle the cider over them, being careful not to 'wash' the herbs off. Wrap the alfoil loosely around the parcel and seal the seams.
Roast in a medium oven 160-180 c for 2 - 2 1/2 hours depending on the size of the leg.
Make gravy using the cider and juices out of the meat parcel while meat is resting prior to being carved.