
Australia Day 2023

Every year Australia Day, held on January 26, is the focus of huge controversy and debate. While many Australians see it as a chance to celebrate the country's lifestyle,culture and achievements, typically through barbecues and public events, the date is not a happy one for Australia's Indigenous people.

What you talking about mate? Our mob were here first!

Since the first settlers, Australians have celebrated a national day. In the process, they have also defined what it means to be Australian. January 26 has traditionally marked the landing of Captain Phillip at Port Jackson in present-day Sydney, thereby claiming Australia for the British Empire. Early settlers, perhaps naturally, marked the anniversary of the colony's establishment. 
Australia Day has consequently evolved from a small commemorative New South Wales holiday into a major national celebration. Though it has often been criticised, it has nevertheless emerged as the most inclusive celebration of a national day in Australia, expressing the national diversity which has become such an important part of the Australian national character.
 Whereas once it celebrated the staunchly British nature of Australian society (or was disparaged for this approach), it now embraces multicultural Australia, including all ethnic backgrounds, racial differences and political viewpoints. Australia Day today is a celebration of diversity and tolerance in Australian society.