
Australian tourism

China is forecast to become Australia’s largest inbound tourism market.

In 2010, over 450,000 Chinese visitors spent $3 billion in Australia, which was 20 percent more than the year before.

China's youth are getting ready to have fun downunder!

By 2013 Australia expects to welcome one million Chinese visitors a year, making China the single largest tourism market for Australia.

Over 5,885,000 Tourists visited Australia in 2010 according to the Australian Bureau of statistics.

The average international visitor consumes around $4,005 of Australian tourism services.

There was strong growth from China and South Korea. Arrivals from these markets grew by 24 per cent, and 18.2 per cent, respectively.

Arrivals from Japan grew by 12.0 per cent in a slight rebound from 2009, when the H1N1 influenza outbreak led to a significant decline for this market.

Japanese tourists still love to visit iconic places, like Bondi beach and the Gold Coast

China overtook the United Kingdom to become Australia’s most valuable inbound market in 2010.

Australian Tourism advertisment in China

Tourism could help balance Australia's economic dependence, on the China resources trade, and also revive regional destinations, that are suffering from a decline in Japanese tourists